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2024 Research Grants
on Education

Application Deadlines:

Full Proposal Deadline:

February 28, 2024 @ 12 PM (NOON) CT

Submit the Proposal to this email

The Research Grants on Education Program aids education research projects that commit to the improvement of education by offering up to $25,000 for 1 year. The aim of the program is to support rigorous, ambitious and technically sound research on the most pressing problems and exciting opportunities in education.

Program Statement

The Research Grants on Education Program supports financial aid that expands new integral expertise that may have a continuing influence on academic discourse. We understand that learning occurs across the life course as well as across environments—in that any and all, in the right event, provide the premise for fulfilling concentration that makes meaningful advancements to the field. With this in mind, this program supports proposals from different disciplinary and professional viewpoints, from academics at diverse standings in their career. We count on proposals that will bridge extensive subjects and specialties that creatively explores questions essential to education. Please integrate data from diverse expertise, that range an ample length of time for experience, or work closely with practitioners or community members close to the project.


Proposals to the Research Grants on Education program must be for academic research projects that intend to enhance education. Proposals for activities other than research, or focusing on areas other than education are not eligible. Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs of the Research Grant on Education must have an earned doctorate in an academic discipline or professional field, or the equivalent experience. While graduate students may be part of the research team, they may not be named the PI or Co-PI on the proposal. The PI must be associated with a non-profit organization or public/governmental institution that is prepared to function as the executing organization. New Era does not award grants directly to individuals in this program. Proposals are accepted from within the U.S. and all proposals must be submitted in English and budgets must be proposed in U.S. Dollars.


Proposed budgets for this program are limited to a total of $25,000 and may not include indirect costs under New Era policies. Proposed projects may not be longer than 1 years in duration.

How to Apply

The application process starts with a full proposal which are due by February 28, 2024 at 12:00pm Noon central time. Research Grant proposals must be submitted through New Era email:

Research Grant on Education

Proposal Elements

Within the online application, there are detailed guidelines for each section to answer. Below is an overview of the elements you’ll be expected to address.

Project Personnel – While creating the email application, the sender will be assigned to the proposal as the Principal Investigator. If there are Co-PIs on the proposal, they can be added to the application text. In this section you are also asked to confirm that neither the PI nor the Co-PIs currently have another research proposal under review at New Era

Review Process

The Research Grants on Education utilizes a peer review process for all eligible submissions. Each proposal will be examined by both external panel reviewers and internal personnel. The review process for this program takes approximately 2-3 months from the deadline date. New Era is unable to accept late submissions.

The review panel for this program is made up of scholars in the field of education research with expertise across many disciplines. Panelists are asked to assess and comment on the following features of your proposal:

Merit of the Project: Reviewers will gauge the essence of education in the research, the gravity of the subject matter to its field, and the excellence of the research question(s) and/or direction of inquiry.

Correlation to Research and Theory: Reviewers will judge the sufficiency of how other researchers have treated the same topic and how well the proposal reacts to prior work and theory. 

Research Design: Reviewers will weigh in on the overall standing, refinement, and suitability of the research design as well as its alignment with the research question(s) and/or conceptual framing. 

Budget and Timeline: Reviewers will evaluate the competency of the cost and record. 

Project Team: Reviewers will comment on the potential of the investigator(s) to complete the study as laid out and share the results or other findings.

Proposal Preparation Checklist:

  1. Updated CV

  2. Summary of Proposal (250 words)

  3. Proposal Narrative (2500 words)

  4. Budget Details and Justification

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